Finding the right portion for your dog

  • Last updated on January 24, 2025 at 10:19 AM

When calculating your dog’s recommended portion size, we take lots of factors into consideration such as their age, body weight, snacking habits, etc. You can read more about how we calculate your dog’s portion here.

It’s important to remember that every dog is different, and whilst we try to recommend as accurate a portion as possible, it may not be spot on for your dog.

Body condition

One of the best ways to tell if your dog is receiving the right amount of food is by monitoring their body condition. We recommend taking the time at least once a month to score your dog using this body condition score chart.

Start by running your hands along your dog’s back to feel their spine. Then along their chest to feel their ribs. Finally, take a few steps back and look at your dog from the side, and then from above.

You can adjust your dog’s portion size here. Our friendly in-house vet nurse team are also available to lend a helping hand if you need it - you can book a call with them here.


When transitioning over to Butternut, it can take a couple of weeks for your dog to get used to their new food and portion size. But, if after this time you notice your dog is hungrier than usual or showing signs of hunger such as scavenging more on walks, begging for food, or showing behaviour around food that is out of their usual character, then you can try increasing their portion to see if this helps.

If you notice your dog is struggling to get through their portion and is leaving some food behind in their bowl, try reducing their portion a little to see if this helps. If your dog has lost their appetite completely, we’d recommend having a check-up with your vet.

You know your dog best, so if you think our recommended portion size isn’t the right one for them, you can adjust it at any time in your account here. You can always contact us if you need any support, too.

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